Jul 2, 2012

Interesting Posts #393

Interesting Posts #393

1. Is Artscroll's Assistance Anti-Semitic?

2. Since When Did Judaism Become a Car Wash?

3. Israel's River Of Blood

4. Matisyahu Interview

5. Tow Truck Baby

6. Israel and Jewish Identity

7. We Won't Be Drafted Because We Arent Interested

8. Dressing With Faith, Not Heat, In Mind

9. Rabbi Slifkin Says he Was Wrong

10. Some Important Statements Made At The President's Conference

11. July 4th In The Holy Land 100 years Ago

12. Saturday Joggers

13. It Happens To All Chazzanim At Some Point Or Another

14. Giving Up On The Future

15. The Friendly Tax Collector

16. Caption Competition

17. Top 15 Ways To Act Like An Am Haaretz

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