Jul 3, 2012

Kvish 6 Traffic Law Proposal Rejected

There was just a law proposed regarding the Kvish 6 toll road. The proposal was that if one would get on Kvish 6 and encounter traffic that would keep his driving below a certain speed, he would not have to pay the toll.

The law was just rejected by the Knesset.

I saw a little item in the newspaper yesterday that said that they rejected the proposal overwhelmingly because it would harm the rights of the operator of the toll road, and in the end it would be the State that would have to cover the loss.

However, to repair the problem, Minister of Transportation Yisrael Katz announced a suggestion that at every entrance to Kvish 6 a large digital sign would be placed announcing the status of traffic on the toll road. This way drivers could make an educated decision as to whether to get on any way and pay the toll or to avoid it.

Katz's proposal was accepted and approved immediately.

So, you will have to pay the tolls even if you sit in traffic, but it's because you chose to.

Interestingly, Gilad Erdan was the only one to vote against the consensus regarding the paying of the toll. Erdan voted to cancel the toll in the case of traffic, but not because the driver shouldnt need to pay for sitting in traffic. His interesting reasoning was to punish the operators of the toll road - if they knew they would lose money they would be forced to provide better service and resolve the issues that cause the traffic jams. Good point, but he was a lone voice anyway.

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  1. I'm very happy the law was rejecting. The lone voice is wrong btw. If people know the toll road is free when in traffic, then they won't avoid the toll road. It might even increase traffic to the toll road, since people will see it as a "sale".

    Signs telling us the speed is a great idea though :)

  2. It would probably be cheaper to give all users of the road a smartphone with Waze than to put up signs. This way, if it's faster not to use the road it would automatically route you another way.
