Jul 4, 2012

Lipman Responds About RBS D and Appeals

A Guest Post by Rabbi Dov Lipman in response to RBS D Approved

We have succeeded in fighting the plans for RBS Gimmel 2 for well over a year and will continue to do so in court. The moment the opportunity to submit objections to the current plans for RBS Dalet we will do the same.

Everyone must understand that the current plans will destroy the quality of life for residents of RBS Aleph - whether datiim, chareidim, or chilonim. They plan to build these neighborhoods without an adequate plan for transportation, education, and more. If you dislike sitting on highway 38 now, just wait for how bad it will be when thousands of new homes are built before the access roads are improved. If you think our schools are packed and in inadequate structures now, just wait for how bad it will be when thousands of houses are added before the educational infrastructure is in place. If you think the RBS Mercaz is crowded now, wait intil thousands of new citizens flood to make use of it because of inadequate commercial space.

My friends, the political leadership has led you to believe that this is some kind of "anti-Haredi" campaign. In actuality, we are the ones who truly care for Haredim and are trying to preserve the quality of life for Haredim as well. Our recent appeal led to changes in the plans which will improve the quality of life for any Haredim who move into RBS Gimmel 2. The political leadership has one goal in mind - build, build, build as quickly as possible so that was can be the national heroes for solving the Haredi housing crisis and advance ourselves - without thoughts to the quality of life of the city's current residents including Haredim and without thought to the quality of life to whoever moves to the new neighborhood includimg Haredim (ask the residents of Heftziba if they are satisfied with their lack of green space).

We will continue to fight all these plans and do whatever we can to stop these destructive plans from coming into fruition and invite all citizens from chilonim through chareidim to join our efforts.

Please e-mail me at ddlipman@gmail.com if you would like to join our efforts.

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  1. --"We have succeeded in fighting the plans for RBS Gimmel 2 for well over a year"

    --"Everyone must understand that the current plans will destroy the quality of life for residents of RBS Aleph"

    --"just wait for how bad it will be when thousands of new homes are built before the access roads are improved"

    --"just wait for how bad it will be when thousands of houses are added before the educational infrastructure is in place.

    --"If you think the RBS Mercaz is crowded now, wait intil thousands of new citizens flood to make use of it"

    This "Rabbi Dov Lipman" (whoever he might be) is clearly and blatantly guilty of the worst excesses of NIMBYism.

    For those who are unfamiliar with the acronym, it stands for Not in My Back Yard.

    1. hey Nimby, you must be deaf/dumb if you dont know who Dov Lipman is - a real askan

  2. Rafi, have you ever considered not allowing Anonymous comments?
    Just asking...

    1. So much for the concept of "free speech", Yair Polter.

  3. what on earth does this have to do with "free speech"? nobody is stopping anyone from opening their own blog!

    1. And - so far - no one has prevented me from publishing comments that do not necessarily toe the Party line either.

      But if people like Yair Polter and Ploni could have their way, comments like mine would have been stifled long ago. Polter wants people like me silenced, while Ploni offers utterly useless advice.

      Open your eyes, morai ve rabotai, and learn to think for yourselves. HaShem gave us all a unique gift: the power to think for ourselves and to express our own opinions. Use them!

  4. Sorry, I don't buy it. It is definitely an anti-Haredi campaign. If it were really something about being pro-R/BS, then the effort would be to build some sort of highway and improve infrastructure. If it were really about something to improve the quality of life for religious and non-religious, then the effort would be to convince Mashab and B'emunah to bid for the land. But it isn't.

    If it walks like a duck...

    1. Hi, it's Dov Lipman. I did not even know that there were comments here but someone just sent me this link and asked me if I had a response to this comment.

      It amazes me that people are so quick with these labels. Something to think about as we approach the three weeks. To address "Josh," we paid a lot of money for experts to propose a new plan which took into account all of the technical problems with the construction. It was presented at the appeal hearing.

      Does it still walk like a duck?

  5. When I moved to RBSA in the early days, there was inadequate education infrastructure, inadequate shopping facilities, inadequate transportation, health, parks, etc.
    Yet given the choice, I'm pleased I was allowed to come, and we all managed with what there was.
    If this isn't an anti-Haredi campaign, it's a all-for-myself-selfish-as-you-can-be campaign.
    Come to think of it, Beit Shemesh was founded to absorb Moroccan immigrants. Would you have demanded they should wait until all the flowers are planted? There is a housing crisis. Give people places to live, the finer details will have to catch up.

  6. Rav Dov, whether we like it or not RBS C, D and E will be built even if there is some success in delaying. The question is what can be done to market these areas to other groups in addition to charedim. I am sure the money spent on battling in courts could have been used for a really effective marketing campaign to encourage others to consider BS or RBS as their home.

  7. My friends ...

    Sounds just like ... a politician :-)

  8. My friends ...

    I see absolutely no signs of any friendship on this thread; just dissent and שנאת חינם.
