Jul 9, 2012

Palestinians: what concessions do Palestinians need to make to have peace with Israel? (video)

Palestinians: what concessions do Palestinians need to make to have peace with Israel?


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  1. Most people in the world aren't interested in ideology they just want to go home to their family at night watch some TV drink a beer, etc. It's true with Palestinians also, but (a) Arab leadership has fanned the flames of hatred (and we have responded with fear) and (b) there is this little question of hierarchy...

    For example, the guy at the end mentions Abraham's sons, but can we live together without arguing about who is the chosen one? Another interviewee says we should all be part of the same state, and even accepts that it would be Israeli, but what happens when there are decisions to make that affect the different groups?

    So we retreat into fear and hatred.

  2. I really like the guy speaking around the 8-9 minute mark :)
