Jul 5, 2012

Woolsey: Pollard Being Jewish The Reason He Is Still In Jail

The big news of the day comes out of the United States. The former Director of the CIA, James Woolsey, published a letter in the Wall Street Journal calling for Pollard's release.

Woolsey has actually previously said that Pollard should have already been released, so just that is nothing new. He was already part of the growing list of former officials who are now calling for Pollard's release.

What is new is the way Woolsey said it this time. Woolsey is claiming that the only reason Pollard is still in jail is because he is a Jew. He suggests that those in charge of making the decision should imagine as if Pollard was a Korean or a Russian, Greek or Filipino, and release him.

Woolsey writes:
Regarding Martin Peretz's "The Mendacious Movement to Free a Convicted Spy" (op-ed, June 25): I recommended against clemency for Jonathan Pollard early in the first Clinton administration when I was director of Central Intelligence, but now, nearly two decades later, I support his release. What would I say has changed? The passage of time.
When I recommended against clemency, Pollard had been in prison less than a decade. Today he has been incarcerated for over a quarter of a century under his life sentence.
Of the more than 50 recently convicted Soviet bloc and Chinese spies, only two—Aldrich Ames and Robert Hanssen—also received life sentences, and two-thirds of these some-50 enemy spies served or have been sentenced to less time than Pollard has already served.
The recently convicted spies for such countries as Saudi Arabia, Ghana, Ecuador, Egypt, the Philippines and South Korea are serving less than a decade. One especially damaging Greek-American spy, Steven Lalas, received a 14-year sentence, just over half of what Pollard has already served.
Pollard has cooperated fully with the U.S. government, pledged not to profit from his crime (e.g., from book sales), and has many times expressed remorse for what he did.
There is absolutely no reason for Pollard to be imprisoned for as long as Ames and Hanssen, and substantially longer than spies from other friendly, allied, and neutral countries. For those hung up for some reason on the fact that he's an American Jew, pretend he's a Greek- or Korean- or Filipino-American and free him.
R. James Woolsey
The crux of the matter is still the passage of time. Nobody (well, I shouldn't say "nobody") is claiming Pollard is innocent or anything like that. Simply that he has served enough time for his crime. That Pollard is still there because he is Jewish is something we already all suspected, and Woolsey saying it is practically confirmation.

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  1. with a Muslim president in the USA there is no chance of that.

  2. Woolsey is not being honest. He knows that when Israel got the information stolen by Pollard Yitsak Shamir (who despised the U.S.) gave some of the infomation to the Soviet Union and South Africa as a "good will gesture." This gift resulted in deaths of many agents in Russia and destroyed the U.S. spy network in South Africa.

  3. That's true, Adam. Just like all the other Muslim presidents (Bush, Clinton & Bush Sr) who didn't release him.

  4. The fact that Jonathan Pollard is Jewish is totally irrelevant.

    What does matter is that he is a cynical, mercenary, traitor to his own country: the United States of America.

    1. Earn money from homeJuly 06, 2012 2:53 PM

      Hi Darth,
      It seems that you know more than the former director of the CIA about this case. Do you care to elaborate? If not, go back to your hole.

    2. There is absolutely no call whatsoever for unwarranted and unnecessary rudeness here on Rafi's blog - or anywhere else. This website is "Life In Israel", and not Vos Iz Neias or Matzav.com.

  5. Adam Zur

    you are a bad person.

    I'm almost hesitant to bring up the fact that Pres. Obama gets slammed for attending Rev Wright's Church for over 20 years... but he's really a Muslim?

    You're a public racist. So when you go around, out and about in the world, and think self-righteously about who you are as a person, you should know that your impression of yourself is completely skewed and you are actually a horrible human being.

  6. As a follow up, just so you don't think this is merely an personal attack:

    There is nothing wrong with Islam or being Muslim (any more than any religion). But the fact that Pres. Obama is not a Muslim means that you are using the word Muslim as a pejorative, as a racial/religious/ethnic based personal attack.
    You are spreading racism and hate and it is worth my time and effort to make public note of your hate speech.
