Aug 29, 2012

Quote Of the Day

Quote Of the Day

The parents cannot rely on the current municipal leadership... This impure mayor, all the institutions of the Dati Leumi educational system are more important for him. It bothers him that their educational system is falling apart, and he tries to hold on to their buildings by force, even if the demographic balance has changed and there are no longer any children from that sector in the neighborhood..

  -- Jerusalem City Councilman (SHAS) Shmuel Yitzchaki, at a protest of French Haredim in Bayit Vegan for not having a school building while there is a building that is only sparsely populated but still used for a DL school.

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  1. Moshiach, Moshiach Where are You?August 29, 2012 1:22 PM

    The Ahavas Yisrael in his statement just gives me goosebumps.

  2. there are plenty of dl kids from bayit v'gan and givat mordechai that go to the mamad in har nof since there is no decent school available for them in their neighborhood.
