Sep 14, 2012

Democrat Politician Warns Jewish Voters Against Democrats (video)

I don't understand how he can be so vociferous against the Democrats in general, yet still remain in the Democrat party. The interviewer should have asked Hikind why he does not switch and become a Republican or Independent if he feels so strongly about how bad the Democrats are...

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  1. Because sometimes trying to encourage change from within is the biggest contribution.

    (I don't know if that's his reasoning, but if it is, I hear it.)

  2. Because the political machine in Brooklyn is Democratic so you work within the available power structure. The GOP in NYC is nonexistent.

  3. the GOP is non-existent? Isnt Mindy Meyers running as a Republican? :-)

    David - doesnt sound like he is encouraging change from within, rather warnign epople away. For example, if I say Bet Shemesh is a wonderful place. Everyone should come and move to bet Shemesh. Yes, there are some problems but we can work to improve those situations, especially if more people not like x move here.. - that would be a form of encouraging change from within. If I said you have to be crazy to move to Bet Shemesh, it is a horrible place, sure there are some nice people but too many are exxtremists in one way or another, just stay away - that is not encouraging change from within,.

  4. On Staten Island, it's OK to be a Republican. Many win elections.

  5. Many jews vote in democratics politics because they understand that democratics is the same of liberty, democracy, good things, ...
    If this politics change to another party, those jews will understand that politics don't be democratic, no defend the liberty, no good things, ...

  6. The irony is Jews so Conservative in their theology opt to vote liberal in their politics. The Democrats are not the party my great-grandfather and grandfather knew. JFK may have been the last of that kind. After that is has been downhill albeit FDR was the first Socialist president. All of the problems we are having are tied to programs the Dems started and have usually mismanaged to the point that they are a disaster. If nothing but Republicans were elected for the next 20 years they would still need more time to fix what the Dems can break in four years.
