Dec 31, 2012

Interesting Posts #437

1. tzedakka collectors and the unintended tyranny of policy

2. optimists in HaBima Square

3. going on vacation to a place with no minyan

4. city of Tel Aviv getting unwired

5. run Zoabia, run

6. what happened to the Iranian threat?

7. Dennis Prager as the stupidest man alive

8. Motzei Shabbos recap of Agudah convention

9. Shmirat Eynayim stories

10. not for the reason you might suspect - Rabbi Slifkin explains why he is critical of the haredi community, and it is not because of the ban on his books.

11. why can't Moshe hit the water

12. to Bagel - I never heard this expression used before

13. an incredible Kiddush Hashem

14. Yated Neeman publishes the wrong picture - oops

15. Lipa goes to college

16.  13 IDF aircraft oddly similar to animals they are named after - I must say I dont see it, but it is interesting

17. Agudah on pedophilia - too little, too late

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  1. To bagel

    I must admit that I, too, had never heard of this expression before. There is another expression - "dough nutting" - which has its origins in Britain's House of Commons.

    Sittings of Britain's lower house of legislation are routinely televised in their entirety. It is the nature of things that "the House" is absolutely packed to the rafters most Wednesdays while the Prime Minister formally answers honorable members questions, but there are many, many other occasions when the chamber accommodates a bare "minyan" of members.

    It is then that what Members of Parliament might be sitting in the chamber congregate behind and on either side of the person who is speaking, thus giving the illusion that the debate is well-attended.

  2. The term has been growing in it's usage over the last few years. I believe it was coined by an American "kiruv" speaker. As an orthodox woman I've been bageled many times, especially when travelling around the United States, outside of NYC

  3. as an aside, once on the topic of bagels, I have heard of a similar expression - the tuna beigel (pronounced with a yiddish accent). The tuna beigel is a hassidic fellow who tucks in his peyos and wears a colored shirt and baseball cap and thinks he is blending in with the general crowd but once he starts talking, and asks for a tuna beigel, everyone can tell...

  4. Can you phoneticize this pronunciation for the benefit of non-ex-Americans, please?

  5. I thought I did by writing beigel instead of bagel. hmm. maybe think - pie, vital, slime, - so you've got a tuuna beigel (or maybe bigel)

  6. Thanks again for the link! I first heard it from Rabbi Mordechai Becher but I don't know its origin.
