May 28, 2013

Quote of the Day

I was debating between potential quotes of the day, when this one hit the media, and this one was crazy enough to beat the rest out by a lot...

I want to tell you, I am a Jew who believes, we are playing with fire, and you should know and accept that we believe it, that when they did not harm the Torah, there was quiet - quiet with security, Syria was a distant country, there was quiet. The credit rating of the State of Israel went up, from a financial standpoint everything was excellent. They began to harm the Torah - suddenly Syria is very close, rockets are suddenly pointed at Tel Aviv, I believe this with complete faith, and like me there are hundreds of thousands and maybe millions who believe this. There is no way to be smart about it, they harmed the Torah... forget about the idea of teaching us. We will not change even a hairsbreadth..

  -- Mk Moshe Gafni (UTJ)

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  1. When was the Second Lebanon War??? Was anyone harming the Torah in 2006?

  2. Only one word to say here:


  3. Can I move to the universe that Rabbi Gafni lives in, sounds much nicer than the reality that the rest of us have to deal with.

  4. On one hand, I can't stand when the Haredim boast about how 'their' studying is what is keeping the world up. I know it's really meant for internal ears as encouragement, nonetheless, my Haredi friends then try to convince me of the same.

    On the other hand, they are right. But it's not just their torah but also the hardalim and the 'moderates' as well. When idiots like Lapid (may he do tshuva soon) hit one of these sides of the Torah world, we all suffer. It's too bad that the Bayit Yehudi is going along and being complicit. B'ezrat Hashem, the Torah world will be united.

  5. Call me crazy if you wish, but Gafni is 100% correct.
