Oct 2, 2013

comparing Mayor Moshe Abutbol's jingle to reality in Bet Shemesh (video)

Moshe Abutbol’s campaign put together a Jingle describing how wonderful the quality of life is in Bet Shemesh since he became mayor. Someone asked friends to send in pictures of different places in the city to see how the Jingle compares with the reality of daily life in Bet Shemesh.

judge for yourself if you trust Moshe Abutbol to be responsible for the next five years for the maintenance and development of Bet Shemesh.

yes, that is Moshe Abutbol's jingle. Personally I think his jingle in 2008 was far better.

and this is a different video someone, I do not know who, made to a nice song also showing the deterioration  and neglect of the city...

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