Oct 13, 2013

"Ha'am Sheli" (My People), Lazer Lloyd and Friends (video)


Lazer Lloyd with a great song and touching imagery... participating are singers Gad Elbaz, Shlomo Katz, Aaron Razel, and Naftali Kalfa..

beautiful song, beautiful message. especially important reminder right now in election season - people choose who they think will be better, for whatever reason, even if it is not what you think. There is no reason to lose a friend, to despise someone, to hate someone, just because they decide to support someone else. It is politics and most of us won't personally gain or lose by the outcome, so let it stay in the realm of politics and not get into the personal.

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1 comment:

  1. Nice message.

    Did you notice the lyrics:
    יש עתיד אם יש עבר?
