Oct 10, 2013

Haredi woman files petition with Supreme Court against Haredi parties receiving funding

Ruth Colian strikes again!!

Colian has been making waves recently. It started when she filed a lawsuit against Tnuva for kashrut fraud, of sorts, after a series of incidents of cruelty to animals was exposed on video. Then Colian announced she would be running for city council in Petach Tikva, as a Haredi woman after fighting with Shas about her possibly being a representative for them.

Now Ruth Colian has petitioned the Supreme Court against the haredi parties. Her suit is aimed at stopping State funding to any party that has no women on their party lists. It would also force relevant haredi parties to change their official policy banning women from being on the list. Her petition names the standard Haredi parties, Degel, Shas and Agudat Yisrael, as respondents, but it also list TOV, the more "modern-haredi" party. Despite being considered modern-haredi, TOV also does not include women on their party lists. As well, Colian lists the Ministers of Finance and Interior as respondents.

Colian concludes her petition stating that giving such parties State funding is supporting discrimination with taxpayer money ... and gives many women the feeling that the State has abandoned their rights to their fate.
(source: Haaretz and Kikar)

In the recent national elections there had been a petition to ban parties that do not include women on their lists/ That petition was rejected. I imagine this petition will be as well.

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