Oct 15, 2013

Interesting Posts #513

1. the Khaf HaKhayim, Rav Ovadia, and the earthquake

2. praying for mashiach

3. on being a kollel wife

4. polling, daas torah style

5. the Oleh's unassuming hero of a startup nation

6. equality? you might get what you ask for..

7. disabling my Facebook

8. is it forbidden to look at rainbows?

9. what do the doctors have in common? and the difference between Charedi and Dati Leumi rabbonim

10. my first Tzohar wedding

11. why I am voting Likud for City Council

12 .why would anyone want to use their cellphone to make a call?

13. completing the circle of support

14. if you cant beat them.. move on

15. a grooms visit to Temple Mount

16. Child bride of Palestine - freaky

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