Oct 9, 2013

more MOT mazel tovs!

and mazel tov to two more members of the tribe, and Israelis, for winning the Nobel prize in chemistry..

Arueh Warshel and Michael Levitt are both Israelis (though they live abroad), and are sharing the prize in chemistry with third scientist Martin Karplus. They won the prize for "the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems". Again, I have no idea what that is or what it means, but mazel tov!

and I just read that the third winner, Martin Karplus is also Jewish and had left Austria to escape the Nazis, and his daughter lives in Jerusalem and is a doctor there!

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  1. Don't give short shrift to the fact that these wunderkind no longer live and work in Israel. It signifies the impact of the brain drain from which Israel suffers. Universities must do more to attract these academics and researchers, so Israeli students can benefit from the work of these stars and expand the Kiddish Hashem the entire country and all Jewish people recognize by their towering achievements. Dr. Harold Goldmeier

  2. 40 years not living in Israel - not Israeli. If a graduate wants to get a job in Israel, they need to do post-doc work overseas - MUST. Otherwise, the local universities don't even look at them. I have a Dr friend who does not want to leave Israel. He knows that choosing to stay here will hurt him almost fatally, but he is adamant about staying. The Israeli academia must wake up. Only one new university in the past 30 years?
