Oct 11, 2013

Sponsor me so I can sponsor and run for the Shneider Hospital!

I said I was not going to run the marathons this year, and I have not registered for the upcoming Tiberias Marathon. Then Daniel Rose created this marathon to benefit the Schneider Hospital in honor of his daughter who was treated in Schneider Hospital for Hodgkins Lymphoma. This is not a standard marathon, and I felt it deserves to be made an exception.

Sponsor my run, below, and help Schneider Hospital continue helping kids get better.

Here is the background story:

11 year old Orli Rose was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in January 2013, and immediately began 8 months of treatment and care at Schneider Children’s Medical Center in Petach Tikveh. This was not Orli’s family’s first encounter with the wonderful care provided by the dedicated staff at Schneider’s. In 2006, Orli’s then just 1 year-old first-cousin was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer called Ewing Sarcoma. He was treated over a period of 18 months at Schneider’s and is now a wonderful and healthy 3rd grader.

Then, as now, Orli’s family turned to raising funds in response to their experience,and as a way of giving something back to Schneider’s. Between 2006 and 2013 many thousands of dollars have been raised through the family from various initiatives, including the running of marathons and the establishing of the UK Friends of Schneider. In fact, Orli herself, together with her siblings and parents raised money for Schneider by running races of various distances in Disney World in Florida in January 2012.

When Orli walked into the hospital for the first time as a patient in January to begin her journey, she remarked how it felt good that she had run that race to raise money for the hospital that was now going to make her better. On Friday November the 29th/2nd day of Chanuka, the Run for Schneider's Marathon will take place to raise funds for the hospital. The funds raised from this run will be put towards a special project in the hospital in honor of Orli’s recovery.

The route of the marathon will be from Orli’s house in Modi’in to the hospital in Petach Tikveh and cover the full marathon distance of 42.2km. At the finish line friends and family will be able to enjoy themselves while waiting for the runners to cross the finish line with refreshments and entertainment. Please donate generously to this worthwhile cause!

- See more at: http://my.jraise.com/en/RafiGoldmeier#.UldnbVB9s3V


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  1. done. but only a 500 shekel goal?
    Keep up the great work.

  2. thanks. thats what they asked us to raise. I and they will be happy to surpass that amount.

  3. This post has been included in  לך לך Lech Lecha "Get Yourself Going" Edition of Havel Havelim.  Please read, share and comment thanks.
