Oct 7, 2013

Torah Entertainment

I enjoyed this description stated about the parsha sheets that populate our shuls. They provide some [sometimes or even often] interesting reading material for the "downtime" points of the services, but the question is if it also qualifies as limmud torah. Sometimes you can get a nice dvar torah for your shabbos tabel from these sheets, but many of the sheets also include political discussion, social topics, rants about current events and whatnot.

In a response to a multi-faceted question about the parsha sheets, Rabbi Baruch Efrati said "Generally the parsha sheets are not included in the framework of talmud torah, but are in the category of Torah Entertainment....

Rabbi Efrati goes on to explain why and what, you can read it all on Srugim.. I just wanted to point out the description "Torah Entertainment".

I like it. Some torah is torah and other torah is just torah entertainment..

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