Oct 2, 2013

Will UN recognize Yom Kippur as official holiday?

It seems that the United Nations recognizes 10 holidays as official holidays. Such recognition allows UN employees to take those days off without having to give up an official vacation day.

No Jewish holiday is included in the list of recognized UN holidays. Then again, we are just a nation of about 14 million people - why should they recognize our holidays as official holidays when so many other nations that are larger than ours dont get recognition for theirs?

The officially recognized UN holidays include both Christian and Muslim days, such as Eid Al-Fitr, Eid Al-Adha, the Islamic New Year and the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, along with Christmas Day, Palm Sunday, and Easter.

Deputy Foreign Minister Zeev Elkin and the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prossor requested from the UN this week that they add Yom Kippur to the officially recognized holidays list.

Once making the request, they should also have included Rosh Hashana (at least the first day), in my opinion.

The UN Deputy-Secretary General said the issue would be examined.
(source: Haaretz, JTA)


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