Jan 27, 2014

What's behind Netanyahu's offer?

Was PM Netanyahu bluffing when he said that settlers could stay in their houses in a Palestinian State if or when a peace deal will happen, or did he really mean it?

It is hard to believe he really meant it. The State did not allow Gush Katif residents to stay in their homes and communities when Israel gave the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians (Hamas). There really is not a reason to assume the State would allow it in the West Bank either.

Would it even be realistic, would that it were true? would settlers who express the desire to stay in their homes under Palestinian rule be considered idealistic or foolish?

Naftali Bennet has a different reason to oppose the idea - other than the common belief that Jews remaining under Palestinian rule would either get slaughtered fairly quickly or at minimum would be regularly harassed and targeted. Bennet's opposition to the idea is based on the idea that we have not dreamed of a return to Eretz Yisrael so that we could live under Palestinian rule.

So, what's Netanyahu's game? Was he serious? Not likely, but maybe. Was he bluffing, but Bennet and other MKs messed it up before Abbas could reject it? Maybe. Is it even possible? I doubt it.

What do you think? What's going on here?

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  1. Netanyahu may be pushing a two-state solution, but he has never personally said where. I don't approve this dangerous game of buying more time that he, and all Israeli politicians play, left and right, and wish he'd be strong as the Rebbe advised him to be.

    Given that, Bennet also suggests in his plan to withdraw from territory, so not sure if he is one to criticize Netanyahu.

  2. The question of where a Palestinian state would be located was mentioned in a comment.

    Here is a possible answer:

    I am in favor of a Palestinian state.
    How about Wyoming? :-)

    Catriel Lev, Ramat Bet Shemesh
