Feb 23, 2014

Facebook Status of the Day

FSotD goes to Michael Ben Ari for his upsetting post..

the incitement against haredim is operating in all systems:
here is a message I received, and am waiting for a response from the police.
Kobi Bremer: this morning at the entrance to the Bet Shemesh police station was a haredi man named Mordechai Bloi. He wanted to enter the police station to complain about a break-in. The guard at the entrance screamed with profanity and said to get out and that he has orders from the commander of the station to not let haredim into the station. And he did not let him in. I called the operator fo the station and asked how it is possible to not let a Jew in to file a complaint. The policewoman called the office of the commander and was told that they are not letting haredim into the station. 
Everything is recorded, and obviously we have the recording. 
The police must throw out such people from within it. I am going to the media about this. If the racism is even by the commanders office, where should residents turn to file complaints. Despicable. I am disgusted by the great shock that I have seen by you.. and I am not religious, not haredi, just a Jew, though it seems this is a bad word for the police. My name is Kobi Bremer, 057-701-388 and I have the recording.

no, that phone number does not have enough digits. Shocking story. I never heard of such a thing before. The police even seem to have a good relationship with the Haredi community in Bet Shemesh (not including the extremist crazies in RBS B). Despicable if true. If that is actually the standing orders, someone there needs to be relieved of duty.

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  1. It's all part of the campaign...try to make Haredim the victims. I don't believe a word of this story.
    As a group of Haredim who went once to file a complaint, we were treated with as much courtesy and fairness as any other citizens.

  2. I will assume that you do not believe that all residents of RBS Bet are crazy. Otherwise, I would say that sentence isn't much better that the alleged actions of the police.

    And for the record, albeit irrelevant to this post, the residents of RBS Alef are FAR from perfect.

  3. Rafi,
    this was on his page a few days ago. Did anything come out of it whether it is true, not true?

    1. I havent heard anything new, and while I didnt read all the comments I scanned many of them and there was nothing specific supporting or denying the allegations. I am proud to say that the overwhelming majority of comments considered the incident to be despicable and criticized the police for acting this way (assuming it is true) and only a few idiots blamed the victim.

  4. Thanks.. What's really despicable is that seemingly nobody is doing anything about this. This is far far worse of an allegation than the Chadash "illegal newspaper." incident. But when it seems like when little Eli doesn't like something he just runs to Uncle Gideon or whoever hates the Chareidim enough that day and fights it. A very frightening way he has of handling things...

    1. 1. what does Eli Cohen have to do with this?
      2. he has no authority in the city at this point beyond that of any resident.
      3. I have no idea if he even knows about the incident
      4. maybe he is involved and trying to put an end to this? I have no idea.
      5. Uncle Gideon? Gideon Saary you mean?He had nothing to do with anything. even if you say the entire process was anti-haredi, Gideon Saar had nothing to do with it. I heard him speak a number of times during the issue, and he was very careful to not say anything besides waiting for the courts. from his commentary he seemed very unpleased by the whole situation and it seemed to me (only my impression) that if it was up to him he would have shut the whole thing down.

      basically - don't blame people for it unless you know they are involved. if you want Eli Cohen to get involved in this, contact him, inform him, and get him involved. then if he brushes it off, feel free to slander him. In the meantime I could say the same thing about Abutbol, just because i dont know if he is or is not doing anything.

  5. Sorry Rafi, you misunderstood me. The way I see Eli Cohen deals with things I don't want him to be involved with anything. Especially the running of this city. His style is very scary.

    1. You mean reporting wrongdoings to the authorities? Yes, very scary.

    2. No. He means dealing with Charedim as if they were ordinary citizens instead of privileged lords. Loss of status is very scary to such people.

  6. If only the Haredi politicians can rise above their anti-mizrachi feelings and join up with Dr Ben Ari in the next elections, they would easily get his two mandates, as well as at least one more bonus for the unity factor.

    1. Better yet, Josh, if the Haredi leadership would allow their followers to vote how they want, Ben-Ari would get much more than 2, but at the expense of UTJ. So, it'll never happen.

      When Baruch Marzel was running, and almost got in, the Belzer Rav (for example) reminded his followers that they had the right to vote, but not the right to choose. IOW, they had to vote Gimmel.

  7. Who is this Kobi Bremer?? Is he even a resident of Beit Shemesh?? If not, why was he in the Beit Shemesh police station in the first place. BTW, because his cellular doesn't have enough digits, I checked the Shemesh Book, both English and Hebrew -- NO Kobi Bremer!
