Mar 19, 2014

haredi boycott against gefilte fish

This is just too rich to pass up... According to NRG, Hamodia today published a new ban - against gefilte fish.

Rav Shmuel Eliezer Stern has paskened that due to the price of carp being increased leading up to Pesach, it should not be purchased this year, so as to punish the suppliers. Rav Stern says we must prevent the unreasonable price gouging. Banning the purchase of the fish for a period of time is the only way to fix the situation and reverse the increase.

Get ready for Pesach sans gefilte fish...

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  1. That's actually a halacha in the beginning of Hilchos Shabbos,...

  2. More gefilte for me... mwahaahahahhaha!

  3. The idea sounds a"fishy" to me.

  4. I read somewhere that Rav Yitzchok Elchanan (Spector) allowed kitniyot one year because potatoes were in short supply. Of course, he also supported the heter mechirah for shmittah, so he was obviously to meikil for the modern day,

  5. Won't this campaign drive up the price of other fish products for Pesach?
