Mar 23, 2014

iphone owners cant bake matza

Are you the proud own of an iPhone or other form of smartphone?

We've been compiling a list of all the things you cannot do because of it.. things like blow shofar in shul, hear shofar, witness a wedding, daven for the amud, get an aliyah, build a mikvah, enter homes of some gedolim, charge your phone in yeshiva, get olam haba, play music at weddings and bar mitzvahs, etc...

You can now add to the list - you cannot work for the Irnstein Matza Factory.

According to Bechadrei, Irnstein Matza has advertised that all of the people, with no exception, working for them making matza are God-fearing people and have declared that they do not have unauthorized smartphones in their possessions.

Whew. Matza that will be made by only kosher cellphones.

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  1. unauthorized? so the mashgiach just authorizes them while the workers are working there....

  2. good for them. I hope all the badatzes are picking the best guys to work.

  3. I too have an authorized smartphone. It's fully ISO compliant.

  4. They should also ban smokers.

  5. Oh well, so much for my million dollar 18-minute-countdown-app idea!
