Mar 30, 2014

Quote of the Day

Yisrael Hayom [newspaper] is 'Pravda', it is a newspaper that is the trumpet of one person, that being the Prime Minister... I hoped the Yisrael Hayom would be a national newspaper that would contrast all the other papers and media, but it has not turned out like that. At every juncture where there was a conflict between the national interests and the prime ministers interests - the newspaper always preferred the prime minister. In the declaration of a Palestinan state, the paper supported the prime minister, in his Bar Ilan speech, the paper backed him, in his fights with Feiglin, in his fights with me.. It upsets me and disturbs me a bit..

  -- Minister Naftali Bennet, about his support for the law that would put Yisrael Hayom out of business, or make them change their business model

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  1. Talk about Pravada. Bennett doesn't like what the paper says so he changes the law to shut it down? Very scary man this Bennett.

    1. to be fair - its not his law, but he is supporting it

  2. The Bennet and Shaked translants to the Mafdal do worry me more and more. The new law is the product of Yediot publisher Moses who has watched his monopoly and high advertising prices whither away. A few weks ago, Ayelet Shaked got a very nice extended profile in a Yediot Shabbat paper and this is probably the idea of Bennet's media advisor as they try to get closer to the mercaz and repalce the Likud.
    Yisrael Hayom is not a true right wing paper, but it certainly is better than Yediot and Maariv, and has definitely allowed the Israeli public to come out back into being right wing and proud of it.
    It's too bad that Bennet did not for objectivity say how Yediot bashed Netanyahu non-stop when Bennet was working with him.

  3. One man's Pravda is another man's New York Post. I don't often agree with "Anonymous," but I sure have to agree with him on this one.

    1. I'm glad we agree on something Baruch, but just for clarity, I'm pretty sure there is more than one anonymous on this blog. I didn't write the anonymous comment just below this comment.

    2. Well, I thought I recognized the handwriting.

  4. There are many things I like about Bennett, but he's dead wrong on this one. The principle of a free press applies to all, whether or not I agree with them. Trying to use the law to shut down a paper because you don't like their editorial line is just wrong.
