Mar 31, 2014

Sad and happy over todays convictions

It is both a sad and a happy day when a prime minister (or president or mayor or city councilpeople  or other important dignitary) gets convicted for his crimes.

Sad: it is a shame we have corruption at such high levels. I think it reflects poorly on society.

Happy: nobody is above the law. They might not always be easy to catch or bring proof against, but when it happens, nobody is above the law. We have a president in jail, and now we will have a prime minister in jail. Mayors and city-councilpeople and MKs are already regular features of the jail system...

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  1. I think that happy is a poor choice of words. Olmert might probably fall under the saying, "בנפול אויבך אל תשמח"
    The definition of 'enemy' meaning a political or business rival, otherwise we might use "בעבוד רשעים רינה" which also might apply to Olmert though Kol BeRama was really playing it light last night and talking about how close he was to the Haredim. Uri Lopiansky also was singled out by Mimran because he didn't take the bribes to his personal pocket but rather to Yad Sarah so that the bad money (my words) was used for good things. (don't know which Torah Mimran was smoking last night), a bribe is a bribe, espcially if it is for someone's personal endeavour.

    1. i didnt mean or say I am happy about olmerts downfall personally. I am happy that corruption is being uprooted.

      regarding lupoliansky, yes it was for his organization (maybe).. but so what? he probably takes a salary from it, and pays salaries. so in the end he benefits from the extra money he brings in. also its his empire he built, so he benefits like that as well, seeing his organization successful, all off the back of bribes (not "all" - there was also hard work and lots of volunteers). and, regardless of what he did with the money, someone else benefited by giving it to him - some kablan benefited in a way he shouldnt have. so regardless of what Lupoliansky did with the money, some kablan got rich unfairly.
