May 28, 2014

the abomination beach in Jerusalem

beach in Jerusalem? There is not any body of water in Jerusalem, so how can there possibly be a beach???

Once again, the Iryah of Jerusalem is planning big for the summer and will be creating a "beach" in a city with no body of water. They will import sand and install a 2000 square meter beach in the area between the old train station complex and the Old City.

They have done this in the past, as well as having held beach volleyball tournaments....

This has upset the haredi askanim, both connected to the local haredi political parties and the people of the Eida.

These people, who regularly tell Israeli society to mix out of trying to change or influence the haredi community and all we want to do is to be left alone to live our own lives the way we want to, and that we choose to live in our own self-made ghetto, feel that only goes one way. Leave us alone, but we can tell you what to do. Or maybe it is only because general society does not leave them alone that they feel they have a right to mix in to the activities of general society? which came first - the chicken or the egg?

Anyways, they are calling this beach the "chof hatoeiva" - the abomination beach - and are promising to do whatever they can to stop it from happening.
source: Bechadrei

As mentioned a number of times already, it looks like it is going to be a very hot summer...

I do have a solution to propose - maybe they need to make a second beach, either by sectioning off part a small portion of the beach or perhaps an entirely separate one closer to the Mea Shearim area or maybe in Ramot, that will be a "separate-swimming", or separate-sunbathing, beach, and that will keep everyone happy.

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  1. SB, Beit ShemeshMay 28, 2014 5:27 PM

    "These people, who regularly tell Israeli society to mix out of trying to change or influence the haredi community and all we want to do is to be left alone to live our own lives the way we want to, and that we choose to live in our own self-made ghetto, feel that only goes one way. Leave us alone, but we can tell you what to do."

    Agreed that that is how it appears to a chilloni. But if you believe in objective truth, and not the modern nonsense that truth is whatever anyone wants to believe in, then you have an obligation to act based on that truth. Yes, even if it means telling everyone else to leave you alone (because you are living the truth and they are not) and you also telling them what to do (because you are living the truth and they are not).

    If you don't believe that your truth is THE truth up to the point of imposing it on others, how can you justify giving your baby son a bris?

    1. I have no problem understanding the mixing in and telling others what they can or cannot do, but once you accept that as a society we have to fix each other, and not just live for ourselves, you cant stop others from trying to fix you

  2. "These people, who regularly tell Israeli society to mix out of trying to change or influence the haredi community and all we want to do is to be left alone to live our own lives the way we want to, and that we choose to live in our own self-made ghetto, feel that only goes one way. Leave us alone, but we can tell you what to do."

    I think many Charedim would respond that Yerushalayim is part of the ghetto. You would hear much less objection to this if it were in Tel Aviv or Haifa.

    1. perhaps yerushalayim is the ghetto , though I dont think they count gilo, beit hakerem, malcha, katamon, etc as part of the ghetto...
      either way, we hear plenty of it all around the country. stores in tel aviv that wanted to open,. they wanted public transportation in tel aviv on shabbos...

  3. Unless an area is 100% haredi (and even then no), the haredim have no right to declare an area "their area" or "their ghetto." This is the crux of why so many non-haredi of Beit Shemesh are sick and tired of this arrogant attitude, and why we are sympathetic with people from other cities in Israel who would fight to stop Haredi influx. They need to make up their mind -- either STOP telling other people what to do, or don't cry when others don't want them to move in. PICK ONE.

  4. why would it not bother you to have an event created and planned to be of a fun sexual nature in jerusalem. it probably wont make god smile

  5. Way too much clothing on those people to be at a real beach....
