Oct 19, 2014

an increase in extremism

Bechadrei quotes Rav Moshe Shternbuch as having said that we are living in a time of increased extremism. Rav Shternbuch pointed to the Arabs who have gone crazy extreme in their religion and are killing and murdering. He also pointed to the secular Jews and said they have gone to extreme secularism and that has led them to doing things bordering on the crazy. (Rav Shternbuch somehow connected that to the suggestion that we can do a lot today to effect kiruv momentum among the secular Jews)

The one he did not mention that I would add is the extreme religious Jews doing things bordering on the crazy as well, such as burqas, sitting in body bags on airplanes, wearing blinders or male burqas  while flying to Uman, abusive behavior, separate seating on buses, erasing women from newspapers and magazines and other publications, among others...

Too bad it is only other peoples extremist behavior he calls out, and not our own.

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  1. Agree with the Rav 's view and yours with extremism today. But, I think it is about time that in the Holy Land of Eretz Yisrael, that all G-D fearing Jews start to bad mouth and work against the extremism of the Arabs, the leftist seculars and all those who are determined to wipe true Judaism off the map (fools, it will be the other way around). Also, as far as these insane, crazy, off-shoot so-called Jews; believe they are NOT real Jews (even if they consider themselves to be). About time that the religious world should put them in their place and excommunicate them from the House of Israel. By allowing all the above to have gone so far downhill in every area of life in the 'Jewish' Land, we are causing the biggest chilul H'. Whatever happened to 'normal'? We know everything started going downhill fast in the last two decades (Oslo, duh?)

  2. Separate seating on buses is extremism?

    My issue with things like so-called Burkas is the lack of consistency, and lack of reasoning behind doing such things. More than once at a grocery store a woman dressed this way has reached over me to get a plastic bag, instead of asking, and has otherwise been oblivious to her proximity to other men, often touching us.

    Let's get our priorities straight. What's the point of such "preventative measures," if she goes ahead and does something worse on the scale? I wonder if she has even learned what the hell she's even wearing such clothing for.

  3. "sitting in body bags on airplanes" - This picture reminded me of that too today.
