Oct 13, 2014

Benjamin Netanyahu "baffled" by Obama's settlement criticism (video)

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  1. I hate to say it, but I find The PM's responses disingenuous and disappointing. He knows a military power ruling by martial law over a 1.5m stateless people, cannot honestly or seriously invoke American values. People subject to military law and justice, rather than civil law and equal rights per the Bill of Rights is what is lacking here. Building one-third the new housing units in Jerusalem for Arabs is crumbs compared to the number of units the govt builds for Jews. Likewise, the municipal services for West Jerusalem in contrast to those for East Jerusalem not just in this case but every year since 1967. Is the PM rationalizing his remarks to quench his coalitions partners' desires to expel all Arabs? Repeated announcements by the PM's Ministers that more settlements will be built and expanded "in the face" of U.S. administration representatives (think Biden and Kerry), whether Israelis like and trust them or not, is obnoxious and bad manners. The PM is not surprised, tho he acts it for the cameras, when his American and EU allies get impatient, testy and insulted. The collateral damage to this govt's positions includes Israelis leaving the country in the hundreds of thousands in search for peace and prosperity elsewhere; boycotts and sanctions, threats, and evil eyes, are the price Israel bares for its diplomatic and political martinet policies toward most non-Jews living under Israeli rule. Finally, his govt has "partners" including the Deputy Speaker of the K wanting to bribe ($100,000 per family) non-Jews to emigrate like Israel is doing for its illegal immigrants. Let me suggest just one danger in this proposal. It works both ways. What are the repercussions of the Arab League members offering every Jew $1m to emigrate from Israel? AL members can easily afford to make such an offer. Who will be left to man the IDF and protect the homeland? The PM is woefully vacuous in his actions toward non-Jewish residents of Israel and that is dangerous. In Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power, the PM would do better employing rule 9: Win through your actions, never through argument.

  2. harold: You are right about the PM being disingenuous, but otherwise, you are not right when you seem to care more for the welfare and the thinking of those who want all Jews out of OUR rightful Homeland. Those Jews who could be bought off with monies from our enemies to emigrate from Israel are welcome to leave because they would be showing they either never had or have lost their Jewish souls. Whatever the case is at this moment, everything will turn out the way it should be and that is that Eretz Yisrael will remain our 'totally Jewish Homeland' that the Creator has so decreed! Thing change or can change except the Word of G-D!

  3. I guess I missed the shul meeting when He decreed that in 1948. But your faith in knowing H's plan is heartwarming and I'm glad to hear He speaks to someone on earth, since all the naviim I thought were dead. I just do the best I can but am all for whatever gets you thru the day is ok by me. BTW, I don't respect people who shield their identities....afraid in case you're wrong?

  4. harold: You speak of the neviim; then I suggest you reread and relearn with all its interpretations from Chazal and you will see they pretty much say exactly that - G-D's promise to His children, Israel, is absolute and eternal, and cannot change. Main problem with many Jews is that they heed and believe the words of man but not the Creator's even as they sit in shul and pray.
