Oct 30, 2014

the terrorist or suspected terrorist who shot Yehuda Glick

Some of the news websites are saying that Israel security services have found and killed (in a firefight) the suspected terrorist who shot Yehuda Glick last night.

I don't understand the headline, and I assume it is the attempt at  politically correctness of the relevant media that caused them to write it like that.

If the guy is only a suspected terrorist, he should not have been killed. If he was killed "unintentionally", as a result of resisting arrest and starting a firefight, that should be pointed out. The headlines makes it sound like he was killed because of his involvment, but he was only suspected. Suspected terrorists should not be killed, though I don't have a problem with actual terrorists being killed.

 If he was the terrorist, and he was positively identified and there were eyewitnesses to the shooting so I'll go out on a limb and say that the identification was relatively easy, he should not be called a suspected terrorist. He was a terrorist.

So was he a terrorist or a suspected terrorist? was he killed because of what he did, because of what he was suspected to have done, or because he started a firefight?

It might only be semantics, but the story needs to be told correctly.

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  1. Well at least it's not the AP's low standards.

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  3. "Suspected" because he didn't make it to a trial.

    They killed him because when they came to arrest him, he chose to shoot it out with them. Theoretically, he might not be guilty of the attempt on Glick's life (may Hashem send him a complete and speedy healing!). Since he chose to shoot it out with the police and Shabak, he's likely guilty of something; but maybe not this.

  4. +1 to Mordechai's comment.
    The semantics are indeed 'important' in our politically correct torani world of innocent until proven guilty world. In the same span of a week, a terrorist was 'put down' in the Canadian Parliament. No questions asked, no standoff 'put your weapon down and come out with your hands up'.
    There is a danger in becoming a rapid gang of field judges, but I believe that things need to be pushed to the limit sometimes.
