Nov 30, 2014

MK Ghattes criticizes Israel and Danon disturbs (video)

someone who talks like this from the Knesset podium, shouldnt be allowed to serve as an MK. He clearly is saying he isn't part of Israel. Funniest part is at the end where he mentions the Israeli government rule of apartheid - an Arab MK claiming apartheid from the Knesset podium.

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  1. Feiglin is right. Some absolute boundaries should be set regarding what someone can say before they are thrown out of the Knesset. Netanyahu doesn't like it but accepts that we are simply trapped. We are not trapped. Time for some new leadership - Danon and Feiglin are both running against him.

  2. The left and opposition has been using the tried and true tactic of demagoguery which in fact leads to delegitimization. Right-wing MKs are badgered regularly, even the PM. This is not the UK Parliament where it is done with respect, but rather a disgusting attempt that more resembles third-world countries (many of whom have much better etiquette). MKs who don't let speakers talk should be warned and not only removed from the plenum, but also fined real money each time.

  3. It has never been normal to have anyone but Jews serving in the Jewish Homeland. It is absurd. How many have given their lives fighting these same people on the battlefield and even in the streets, c'v and yet they have a 'say' in the making of laws, sitting in its parliament, the 'governing' body of Israel?! It seems the country needs psychotherapy.
