Feb 15, 2015

Ben Shapiro: Why Jews Vote Leftist? (video)

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  1. Wow. direct to the point, upper middle class agnostics.

  2. Excellent video, but so very distressing. Even though the informed know all this, but to actually see the statistics on this travesty brings tears to the eyes. What fools these old people (the grandparents, great grandparents) who came to the 'goldene medinah' just to throw away theirYiddishkeit so they can produce doctors, lawyers,Indian chiefs, etc. without Torah. They forfeited the future of their descendants because they traded in the Creator and instead to be loved and admired by whom (they're still hated by the world) and are too stupid to understand that they and their G-Dless offspring are really the ones who are 'passe'! They all still have a little time to do teshuva. Praying for our people.
