Feb 4, 2015

ISIS-style "execution" in Ponevezhe

Ponevezh humor:
laughing at the increased violence in the yeshiva, some boys staged an ISIS-style "execution" of another boy, ostensibly from the "other" camp in the yeshiva - execution by shtender.

for more details, see Kikar..

I like that they can keep their humor, black as it is, in this crazy situation..

When I initially saw it, my first thought was to wonder how these boys in Ponevezhe yeshiva were able to video it and then send it out to the news media using their kosher phones....

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  1. I don't think that this is funny. It's far from inconceivable that some disturbed hothead could do such a thing - look at the attack on Rav Steinman.

  2. Agree, not funny. Also, that there are so many internal squabbles and worse amongst our own, when the whole world is against us and only getting worse is a chilul H'. The G-D fearing Jews must unite, especially for the sake of Torah, as there are forces working even within the orthodox aligning themselves with the goyim. When will we learn?

  3. Just to clarify: it seems that this was not actually taken by or in ponivizh. It was some guys from Yerushalayim who thought it would be funny to make a skit making fun of the situation. Still stupid ....
