Feb 4, 2015

Jordan executes prisoners in response to ISIS

So, Jordan took revenge on ISIS and executed a couple of terrorist prisoners they were holding in prison that were associated with ISIS.

1. Is that an effective response? Does ISIS even care, or are they now going to be made out to be martyrs? Does this create any deterrence?

2. They were not given the death sentence as the result of a fair trial. It was just a decision in order to avenge the brutal murder of a Jordanian by ISIS. Is that the right thing to do? Does the world not care that Jordan just did this? and this leads to #3

3. If Israel did the same, in response to terror attacks against its citizens, would the world react the same way - i.e. not care - or would Israel be condemned?

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  1. Rafi,

    Are you sure number 2 is correct? I thought I read that they were sentenced to death and now decided to "execute" that sentence.
    I don't know if there is a fair trial in Jordan, but they didn't just take 2 people off the shelf...

  2. As far as number 1, ISIS had demanded the release of the women who was executed in return for the pilot -so they do care, at least officially. Therefore this is a PR blow at the very least.

  3. I did not see that they were on death row, but even if they were, if the execution was sped up it means they didnt get their due process.
    personally I dont care. they probably deserved it, and I am in favor of the death penalty, especially for terrorism. I am just wondering where is the outrage

    1. Rafi, the outrage is in the same place as is the worldwide concern for the thousands and thousands of people who die in Syria each month, etc., etc.
