Feb 2, 2015

The Mitpanvezhim, or Sayeret Ponevezh

I've basically avoided the crazy situation in Ponevezh Yeshiva until now... but the fight has gotten to such epic proportions that I have to give it a shot...

What are your best thoughts, qualifications, of the situation there?

1. They are fighting the "מלחמתה של תורה" - the battle of Torah
2. they should go to the army and get some training and then they'll be more efficient fighters when they come back to yeshiva
3. seen online - the Talmud says the grandchildren of Haman settled in Bnei Brak and are learning Torah...
4. like those yeshivas that train you for army service (mechinot), this is the training of these boys for eventual army service.
5. Sayeret Ponevezh (the army elite commando unit called "Ponevezh")
6. Mitpanvezhim - like the "Mistarvim - the soldiers who go undercover in Arab towns dressed as Arabs to perform arrests or gather intelligence, these boys are from a secret Mitpanvezhim unit where soldiers go undercover into yeshivas, specifically Ponevezh, dressed as yeshiva students. Another name might be Mityashvim, btu that is too easily confused with something else.

On a serious note, considering the chilul hashem they are causing, it might be time for the gedolim to consider that the famous Ponevezh Yeshiva has run its course and has fulfilled its role in jewish history and now needs to be closed down.

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1 comment:

  1. Rav Shach's yerusha.

    He did more to move vicious negativity into the mainstream than any other leader in the past 50 years.

    Rhetoric that sounded shocking back then has now become the norm, thanks not only to his speeches but his brainchild, the Yated.

    Mazal Tov.
