Feb 2, 2015

Women Wear Hijabs For A Day (video)

this is an interesting project, but that is not what is most interesting to me about this clip...

Edina Lekovic, the director of the program, has a Jewish sounding name, she looks Jewish in her appearance, she seems Jewish, but she talks Muslim... she looks like she could have been a Bais Yaakov graduate...

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  1. If any of these women are Jewish, why do this? Just shows, promote something long enough and see how it influences.

  2. Given the name, I'd guess she's Bosnian. They're Slavic Europeans (which her last name and its spelling indicate), but are also Muslim.

  3. She could easily pass as Jewish and teaching tzniut. She's Montenegrin Muslim, and has been purportedly connected with some unsavory activity: http://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/misc/718.pdf
