Feb 5, 2015

Yachad coming to [Ramat] Bet Shemesh tonight

Reminder: tonight is the Yachad event in RBS...

One of the organizers and promoters of the party locally called me. Besides for the issue of the party itself, and the idea of unity that they are promoting - dati and haredi politicians working together for common interests - he wanted me to point out the following... according to him, there are two local interests in voting Yachad (for those who are considering voting for them or for those who want to be supportive):
1. if Yachad can get 2000 votes locally, it will create a platform for a possible future municipal entity as well, in addition to the national entity of Yachad. I dont know why 2000 (and he is just referring to 2000 from RBS, not including BS), but somehow that is their magic number, and they think it is possible.
2. 2000 RBS votes for Yachad will also give RBS some sort of priority in yachad over Old Bet Shemesh. If they can get that number, in the future, RBS will be the leader in local Yachad issues rather than the afterthought behind interests and needs and representatives of Old Bet Shemesh.

I have nothing to do with yachad, so I cannot answer any questions. I won't know the answers. However, I do know some of the local people behind it, and would be willing to ask any questions that come up.

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  1. Beis Tefilla is certainly the right venue for a party whose primary causes are chareidi/dati unity and right wing fanaticism.

  2. From what I gather the primary focus is to have a party that represents all Israeli's whether charedi ,dati, or not dati. As Yishai said "all the kippot - yes, even the clear kippa". He has my vote

  3. Latest support: Rav Yitzhak Barda from Ashkelon (married to Rav mazuz's daughter)


    I wonder when Shas and Gimel will start attacking.
