Mar 18, 2015

Norris and Livni

more election musings:

I wonder if Chuck Norris made all the difference in the Netanyahu victory... were people too afraid to cross Norris that they decided to vote according to his wishes at the last moment? They feared his famous roundhouse kick!

Where does Tzippi Livni go from here. She has burned all her bridges. Is she interested in a rotation agreement as head of Opposition? She has shown that she has little to no electoral worth, and even dropping her at the last moment didn't help. Does she resign? Does she try to rebuild Hatnua? Take over Meretz now that Zahava Galon might unfortunately be resigning?

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  1. I call her Skippy Livni, after the famous Australian kangaroo, because she jumps from party to party

  2. After the Sept 2008 US stock market crash (when stocks were in a FREE-FALL and dropped almost 40%), a stockbroker got on TV and said "this is worse than my divorce -- I lost half my money but I STILL have my wife."
    Same thing to Herzog -- he LOST the election but he's STILL stuck with Tzippi Livni

  3. If Harf or Psaki decide to go into some other line of work, Livni could audition for ditzy spokeswoman.

  4. Livni's not ditzy, just ungainly and utterly lacking in charm or charisma in a Hillary-like way.
