Mar 16, 2015

The Jelly Bean Settler Challenge

I don't know how many people attended the rally yesterday in Kikar Rabin. The pictures show a lot of people, unless you look at the pictures exclusively on Ynet, but the estimates in the various media sources have a very wide range of estimates -from a few thousand to over one hundred thousand people.

That being the case, I'd like to suggest we play a game, a contest. Like the old contest of guessing how many jelly beans are in the jar.

I don't know who would verify the number, as every single media source seems to be biased to an extreme. Also, what would the prize be - If the Left were hosting, the winner gets to take home all the settlers and extremists.. or maybe gets to take home Bibi and Bennet. If the Right were hosting, the winner gets to take home Garbuz and Meretz.

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  1. Yesh Atid didn't have a rally... but since they work really hard to support olim from all over the world, then perhaps you could also estimate how many people would benefit from a Yesh Atid victory: Watch this, it's a beautiful reminder of why we all came to Israel (and you can ignore the politics if you want, it's still beautiful.)

  2. During the evening, i was listening on the Galei Yisrael radio and like typical religious people, they were being honest with their estimates of 30-40 000, but as it went on and reports on the mass media started saying 'thousands', then the estimates then shot up, I think in spite, to 100 000, with the radio announced reporting that people were still on the way, stuck in traffic, etc... Apparently, the police have a policy to only allow 30 000 into the square. In the side streets, you could get several thousand more.
