Apr 30, 2015

Har Habayit activists find unique way to protest in Supreme Court

In a unique form of protest, some activists played soccer (football) in the hallways of the Supreme Court building.

Har Habayit activists, upset at the way the police have ignored the Arabs playing soccer on Har Habayit, among other things they are upset about in relation to the way Jews are treated on Har Habayit.

In the past the Supreme Court has ruled that it is prohibited to play ball on Har Habayit, yet the police ignore the ruling and ignore the Arabs who do continue to play ball despite the ruling.

So, these activists went into the Supreme Court building and held up signs calling to put an end to the soccer games on Temple Mount and played ball in the lobby and hallways to emphasize the point.

After a little bit of time, security guards put an end to the game, taking the ball away, and banishing the activists from the complex.

The activists got a nice dig into the police anyway recommending the Chief Police send his Temple Mount stationed officers to be understudies of the security guards in the Supreme Court building and learn from them how to deal with complex situations that happen daily on Har Habayit.
source: Srugim

Granted, it was a cute dig, but the police would not learn how to deal with complex and dangerous situations, as what happened in the Supreme Court building was not very complex or dangerous. They might learn how to stop people from playing ball, but not much more than that.

I appreciate unique and original thought. Good job.

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