May 25, 2015

Rabbanut might fire Rav Riskin

Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, rav of Efrat, is not quite my cup of tea, but the world, and our religion and people, is made up of all types of people.

Rabbi Riskin is headed for a confrontation with the Rabbanut, and his job might be in jeopardy. The Rabbanut has decided to not automatically extend his term for another 5 years, but are inviting him in for a frontal meeting to discuss his views and how he fits in with the Rabbanut. The idea seems to be a step in pushing him out entirely, due to his liberal views - specifically on matters of conversion.
source: kipa

Whether they should do such a thing or not just because they do not agree with his views, is one thing. If they fire him, this will end up in court and will probably be reversed, and if not it will be at least a long protracted fight.

The thing I noticed is that when the conversion reforms were on the table, specifically to allow any city rabbi to form a beis din and perform a conversion, the Rabbanut fought it claiming that any liberal rabbi will form a beis din and do what he wants, and nobody will be able to stop him.

My question, at the time, was that all these city rabbis are certified and appointed by the Rabbanut, and the Rabbanut knows exactly who they are and what their views are, and has some sort of control over them.

If they are able to do this with a long-serving rabbi like Rav Riskin, it seems I was right and their protests then were for show only. The Rabbanut can take any liberal rabbi they do not like and threaten them, make life difficult for them, and probably ultimately relieve them of their duties. So even under the conversion reform the Rabbanut really retains ultimate power.

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  1. Let's hope they question him on his views of Christians, praying with them, his assistant telling them they "don't have to "leave Yoshke at the door," taking their money, and whether it's mutar for them to reside here. (ie. his views on מצות לא תעשה לא תחנם)

    1. I haven't looked at the Poskim on this, but לא תחנם refers to the 7 nations occupying Eretz Canaan at the time of the original conquering. It does not apply generally to non-Jews, and at least historically, never has.

    2. Nope. This is a common error.

      According to the Ramba"m, the Tur, the Beth Yosef, and the [uncensored] Ba"ch, this applies to any goy. The term A"Z refers to a stam goy, not excluding Muslims or Xians.

      See Mishneh Torah A"Z 10, and the Tur 249, I believe on this misswah, as well as the Beth Yosef's commentary here.

      What are your sources which refute this?

  2. I think that if Efrat wants to keep him, then unless there is a real halachic issue (perhaps like what Esser is saying) then Rav Riskin should stay.
    Nonetheless, to go back to the giur issue, yes, rabbis are certified by the Rabbanut, but the day after, they can do what they want. And even though the law was supposed to be set up so that the rabbanut would still have to approve the lower beit din recommendation, then we know that the Rabbanut would certainly be in danger of being ignored and made irrelevant. I think Tzohar is play with fire. If they want to weaken the rabanut, it will merely boomerang on them when/if they ever get more representation. And Bayit Yehudi screwed up big time. They were so dead set on pushing a controversial candidate, even until the very end. There are only a few years left until the next elections, now is the time to nurture a few DL gedolim so that the DL and non-religious will be able to back them up (not that I have disappointed in Rav Lau in general, but really disappointed that the BY and Rav Dahan did not back up Rav Eliyahu who could have been a significant force).

  3. The Rabbinate is 100% correct in regard to Riskin. His affiliation and actual participation in the Xtian worship is beyond the pale. If that is not enough for dismissal, then don't know what is. Those rabbis who are standing up for him obviously are no better.

    1. Nope. This is a common error.

      According to the Ramba"m, the Tur, the Beth Yosef, and the [uncensored] Ba"ch, this applies to any goy. The term A"Z refers to a stam goy, not excluding Muslims or Xians.

      See Mishneh Torah A"Z 10, and the Tur 249, I believe on this misswah, as well as the Beth Yosef's commentary here.

      What are your sources which refute this?
