Jun 22, 2015

diplomatic immunity

There's a big brouhaha regarding MK Bassal Ghattas (UAL) and his plan to join the upcoming flotilla from Turkey to Gaza. Much of it is around the use of his diplomatic immunity to protect him from legal repercussions, or if his immunity should be lifted.

What's the point of diplomatic immunity if not to allow MKs to break the law and get away with it? What good is having it if every time you are going to break the law the immunity would be lifted to make you pay for your crimes? This is not such a great benefit of serving as MK, if you cannot even use it when you need it the most!

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  1. Maybe it shouldn't be allowed to use diplomatic immunity to participate in a FOREIGN law-breaking entity.

  2. It's parliamentary immunity, not diplomatic immunity.

  3. And of course, he should understand that like Armona, parliamentary immunity will not keep your head from getting bashed in (or is that only for right-wing MK's).

  4. And of course, he should understand that like Armona, parliamentary immunity will not keep your head from getting bashed in (or is that only for right-wing MK's).

  5. And of course, he should understand that like Armona, parliamentary immunity will not keep your head from getting bashed in (or is that only for right-wing MK's).

  6. Parliamentary immunity usually only applies when you're on your way to do parliamentary business, so the other party can't have you arrested to keep you from voting. You can't, say, kill someone and get away with it.

    1. That is the US congressional immunity. In israel (and countries with parliamentary systems) it is absolute, but can be waived by vote of parliament (has been done several times) or by the MP himself (herself) (in US, i believe a congressman cannot waive it). And in israel, it applies to preparliamentary crimes (case of flatto- sharon, for those who remember real trivia.)
