Jul 13, 2015

Zumba Marathon in Jerusalem under protest again

 The City of Jerusalem has created many events for Jerusalemites to participate in over the summer. Oncluded in those is a "zumbathon (marathon zumba)" and a "spinning marathon"... They are scheduled to take place this week, with the Zumba event on Tuesday night and the spinning event on Wednesday and Thursday night. The location will be on Elrov street, near Shaar Yafo, in close proximity to the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Bechadrei is reporting that the Haredi and religious city councilmen in Jerusalem are upset about this event. It is painful to have such events in the area of the Old City, especially during the Three Weeks when we mourn the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Councilman Aryeh King said the mayor is not to blame, but we, the religious representatives, are to blame for being unable to work together to protect the holiness of the city.

I would note that this is not a new event, but is already its third year taking place in the same location. Last year as well a protest was lodged by the religious councilmen against the zumba marathon. I would not say it is surprising, but it is interesting that after all this time they have not been able to come up with a better plan and figure out how to work together for common interests.

Interestingly, now that I think about it, I do not recall hearing about protests regarding the Jerusalem Marathon taking place near and even in the Old City, despite the many immodestly dressed men and women...

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1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, but there are certain people in this world who simply should not be allowed to Zumba in public, and certainly not at the tax payers' expense for organizing such an event.

    On a serious note, Aryeh King is absolutely right.

    Oh, and BTW, I think that protesting Christian missionary events being allowed to take place at Binyanei HaUma and Tahanah Rishonah should be protested before protesting Zumba events.
