Sep 7, 2015

Hero of Hebron fears for his life

According to this report on Kooker, initially reported on Israel's Channel 2 News, the fellow who saved those five American tourists in Hebron from the potential lynching a few days ago, is now afraid for his life.

This fellow was brave and went against the sentiment in his neighborhood. He stood up to everyone around him and did the right thing and saved some poor helpless kids from a mob.

He deserves an award for that. He is a good and decent person. He is courageous and a hero.

And, unfortunately, he now fears for his life. He is receiving death threats.

When we first heard the part of the story (it was not initially reported and only came out a bit later) that someone had taken them in to save and protect them, we cynically joked that he will turn up dead within a week. I was actually hoping that after the fact the mob would calm and realize he did the right thing.

Unfortunately, that is the way it is over there. That is very sad. That somebody has to fear for his life for doing the right thing. For saving some innocent people from a lynching.

It also makes what he did all that more courageous, knowing he would be putting himself at risk.

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