Nov 22, 2015

Haredi MKs oppose protection for Haredi soldiers

This is surprising. Not!

Kooker is reporting that the Likud wants to include in the new draft law that will be coming to vote tomorrow a clause that will deal with putting down the incitement against Haredi soldiers. this was initially formulated and pushed by the head of the Haredi division of the Likud, Yaakov Vider.

One might think that this is something the Haredi MKs would embrace. They did not even have to do the work for it, yet Haredim, their own constituents, are going to benefit and be protected by this clause.

Yet the Haredi MKs are reportedly opposing the inclusion of this clause. They do not want this clause, fighting the incitement against Haredi soliers, included in the law. They do not explain why and refused to respond, for the meantime.

I don't understand who or what they are trying to protect.

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  1. The Charedim are just like the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza. Increasing "casualties" is good for their effort to discourage Charedim from enlisting.

  2. Maybe because of freedom of speech?

  3. Don't play coy. Extremists keep people in line. You wouldn't want to give the authorities tools to hobble your community enforcers.

    1. I agree. They aren't particularly proud of these soldiers, and they'd just as soon the problem go away. If the soldiers are protected from harassment and discrimination; then more boys might end up enlisting. Not a desired result. Gevalt.

  4. Yes, Moe Chareidi hate - I LOVE IT!!!!!! Keep it coming people. Chareidim hate people. Chareidim hate other Jews. Chareidim hate Israel. Chareidim want to see other Chareidim beaten up by arabs. Come on guys, pick it up a notch. Keep up the good old fashioned blunt hatred that makes this site great.

  5. Anon

    Instead of just screaming.... Perhaps explain in your own words/comprehension why UTJ/SHAS MK would not want this clause included in the draft law.
    It is always best to ignore negative comments or incite able readers, add your opinion why this clause should be voted against by Charedei MKs, then you gain respect from neutral readers. Thank you, cvmay

  6. Why? These people are looking to vent their anti-chareidi views, and B"H they are provided with a most welcoming public forum. All you need to do is mention the word Chareidi in a post to get these people going. Chareidim to the Israeli society is like Israel to the western media. Just say the word Israel and the media attacks. Its the same thing here. It's futile to try to gain the respect of people who talk like this

    1. You have an opportunity here to say something cogent. Go for it. And if you stick to your moniker, you don't even have to take responsibility for it. Nu? Why don't they want hareidi soldiers protected from harassment and discrimination (largely at the hand of hareidim)?

  7. There are a few antagonist individuals for sure yet I found them to be in the minority.

  8. The bill certainly puts the Haredi parties between a rock and a hard place.

    On the one hand it's a chilul Hashem to have it in writing that some Haredim harass Haredi servicemen. On the other, it's true that they are doing it - so the Haredi parties can't argue against the reality no matter how badly they wish it couldn't be acknowledged in print.

    Action should be taken to stop the harassment. The members of the Haredi political parties are never going to do anything to stop it - so it has to be taken into the hands of non-Haredim to deter and punish them.

    And the Haredi parties themselves are understandably unable to comment - on the one hand they might not condone violence, but on the other their political platform is to advocate for their constituency to NOT go to army. So to stand up for that group in any way would (a) go against their platform and (b) threaten their relationship with the Eidah and other extremists - which they do rely on in many situations.

    Anon - do you see it differently?

  9. anti-charedi, anti-charedi, blah blah blah.
    did you see the news yesterday? if I was anti-charedi, and if this site were anti-charedi, there was so much in the news yesterday about charedim I could have written about here..
    maybe some commenters are, usually anonymously, but not significant enough to warrant any attention

    1. First, I'm talking about the wonderful comment section where this type of talk is rampant. Second, I know that you don't feel you are ant-Chareidi, but you need to ask yourself - if a website focused on the actions of American people, for example, and whenever black people come up in the news in a controversial situation he is the first to jump up and post to his website where half his crowd are Southern Baptists, would you not call that racist?

    2. personally, I am more interested in haredi news because it is the community I am a part of.
