Jan 28, 2016

male photographers are now banned from the women's side

It seems London has been the first to take the logical next steps of the extreme approach to tzniyus and gender-segregation in the Haredi community.

The rabbonim of London, whomever they are, are concerned about the horrible breach in tzniyus in having male photographers photographing the women at events like weddings, et al and are calling for a ban/prohibition against it.

The union of haredi rabbis has called on baalei simcha and event planners for womens conferences and shows to plan in advance to have female photographers to photograph the women or to not photograph at all.
source: Kikar

In the haredi communities of Israel, such as Bnei Braq and Jerusalem, it is not uncommon for people to have female photographers on the womens side of the mechitza, but I have not heard of it being institutionalized like this or having male photographers explicitly prohibited.

And the truth is, I don't blame them. It is just taking the existing approach and applying it naturally and logically in more and more situations. It matters not that until now all the frum communities had no problem with it.

I think they would also have to regulate the photography companies. It would be inappropriate to hire a photographer that employs both male and female photographers how can they possibly work together?? They would have to hire one company with male photographers for the men's side, and another company of only female photographers for the women's side.

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  1. We had a female photographer for the women's side at my wedding 5 years ago. We didn't ask for it, specifically, and maybe it was just coincidence. I have seen female photographers at friends' weddings, though.

    All weddings took place in the Midwest or Florida.

  2. the option definitely exists, and is even relatively common in some places in Israel. I have never heard about it being insisted upon by the community leaders

  3. Or they could hire the Kelatys, former RBS residents, who are a husband/wife photography team!

  4. I was at a 'rebbishe' wedding years ago, where the women were in another building down the block. Though to be fair, even the men's building was full.

    When they started 'birkat haMazon', they had to stop, realizing the 'kallah' wasn't there. While they werewaiting for her, i heard discussion that there's no need for the kallah bride. After the wedding, i looked it up, and nowhere does it say she must be present for 'shevah berachot'. (Though its easonable to say no one cloud forsee such idiocy.)

  5. Then who does the family photos?

  6. Is there nothing normal left? These things never existed before whether in Europe (Ashkenazim) or Sephardim.

  7. Anon January 31, 2016 3:30 AM, the problems we are encountering in our generation were not as rampant as in the past. Perhaps part of the generation is getting more tzniut, but perhaps the midot are being drastically challenged.
