Mar 23, 2016

he refused to sit down on the flight, and you won't believe what happened next! (video)

sorry for the clickbait title :-)

so, should he have sat down? was he a jerk? or is it all ok because something good happened next?

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1 comment:

  1. At best, he is a hasid shoteh. The flight crew have work to do, and too often frum passengers impede that work (which may constitute an issur d'oraita) for davening. This guy does it because he thinks his mitzvah trumps their need to do their jobs unimpeded. The flight crew is also responsible for flight safety. Maybe they wanted him to sit down because of turbulence or some such? He also might have been obstructing the free passage of other passengers back and forth in the aisles. And he stands there and whines in the beginning of the video like he's some sort of victim.
