Mar 28, 2016

non-Jewish participation in bris

With the birth of a baby boy (Theodore James) to Ivanka Trump (Kushner), I wonder - are there any issues with having a non-Jew participate in a significant way with the bris ceremony? Could Donald be the sandek or amida l'brachos?

I am pretty sure that in actual halacha there is no problem, as only the mohel would likely have any actual halachic restrictions and qualifications, but I wonder if there is some sort of halachic or spiritual preference to not having a non-Jew involved as sandek (for example) or if that does not matter at all.

I am sure this issue must have come up many times, especially, but not only, with converts to Judaism who want to honor their biological parents.

Any ideas or thoughts about this?

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  1. It's likely forbidden and at the very least frowned upon for the Donald to be Sandak.

    For example, this is what Yalkut Yosef says about a Hiloni Sandak:

    ד בעל תשובה שאביו מחלל שבת בפרהסיא, ומבקש לשבת סנדק אצל הנכד, אף על פי שמעיקר ההלכה אין איסור ליתן לו לישב סנדק, ובפרט אם על ידי כך יקרב אותו שיחזור גם הוא בתשובה, מכל מקום נכון וראוי שהבן יעשה הכל לשכנע את אביו בלי שתהיה מחלוקת, שדבר חשוב הוא להביא גדול בתורה לישב כסנדק, ויכבד את אביו בעמידה לברכות, שהרי הסנדק משפיע על התינוק לקדושה וטהרה ויראת ה', ואם ישב אדם חילוני כסנדק ישפיע השפעה לא טובה על הרך הנימול, ולכן אף שמעיקר ההלכה אין בזה איסור, יש לעשות כל השתדלות למנוע זאת בדרכי נועם. [ולענין קריאת שם התינוק על שם הסבא שהוא חילוני, ראה להלן]. [ילקו"י כיבוד או"א פרק ח' ס"ד מהדורת תשס"א כרך ב' עמוד סח]

  2. Note how your comment says assur while your source says muttar.

  3. Shmilda,

    Your comment is ridiculous.

    My source says that for a Jewish Hiloni Sandak, it will influence the baby negatively, so it's best to avoid it as much as possible. That's for a Jewish Sandak. A non-Jewish one is therefore frowned upon as much as a Hiloni one, if not forbidden.

    I was extrapolating from my source. How are you saying that I said anything different than my source?

  4. Rafi pondered whether a non-Jew could be a sandak or have another honor. Your source (Rav Ovadia's sons) regarding a hiloni twice says אף על פי שמעיקר ההלכה אין איסור ליתן לו לישב סנדק... and suggests another honor as a compromise. Knowing nothing else, it does not follow that for a non Jew it would be assume, whether as sandak or as another honor. I might even guess that a non Jew who keeps the 7 mitzvos (no idea if Trump does) would be a better spiritual influence than a mechalel Shabbat.

  5. No. A Kal Vahomer would remain in place. A non-Jew who keeps the 7 mitzvot is not better than a Mehalel Shabbat in any Halacha that I am aware of (with the possible exception of יין נסך according to some opinions). I would find it hard to believe that a spiritual influence from a non-Jew can be better than a Mehalel Shabbat.
