Mar 30, 2016

Proposed Law: Human Cloning

The Knesset yesterday passed a law proposal in its first reading. The proposal would ban and prohibit any futuristic method of human cloning not yet invented.

It sounds funny, but they felt the need to ban things they do not even know about today, just in case.

The current law prohibits cloning via “transferring and inserting a nucleus.” , but does not ban any other method someone might come up with tomorrow. If this law passes, even if you devise a new method for human cloning, it will be banned.

This law will be valid for three years, at which time the Knesset will have to decide whether or not to extend it.

Coalition members joked that the purpose of this law is to prevent Netanyahu from cloning himself and remaining Prime Minister forever.
source: JPost

Another way to avoid having Netanyahu as Prime Minister forever is to not support him come election time... and specifically for Likudniks, to support a different candidate come primaries time...

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  1. Maybe it's not so funny. Good idea to ban it before it's even spoken about. The way the world is going now; insanities such as this must be prohibited and banned.
    Every conceivable and inconceivable ugliness is already out there ready to go against G-D's Laws.

  2. Considering the way the experiment with the sheep, Dolly, I think it was called went bad, it might not be such a good direction to pursue. However, the bigger danger, I think would be people becoming a commodity. You develop lines of people and patent them I can see people cloning and killing people for spare parts or worse, deciding clones or designed people aren't real people so you could descend to a kind of slavery or start designing people or animals or mixes for doing stuff that was dangerous or difficult. I'm not sure we're smart enough to avoid the trap. You can see it already with some of the legal and moral fallout just from surrogate parent situations, for instance.

  3. Considering the way the experiment with the sheep, Dolly, I think it was called went bad, it might not be such a good direction to pursue. However, the bigger danger, I think would be people becoming a commodity. You develop lines of people and patent them I can see people cloning and killing people for spare parts or worse, deciding clones or designed people aren't real people so you could descend to a kind of slavery or start designing people or animals or mixes for doing stuff that was dangerous or difficult. I'm not sure we're smart enough to avoid the trap. You can see it already with some of the legal and moral fallout just from surrogate parent situations, for instance.
