Apr 17, 2016

baked after Pesach

when was this baked?

was this cake baked after this year's Pesach, that has not yet happened? was it baked after last year's Pesach? Pesach from two years ago?

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  1. Depends. Is that February 7, 2016, or July 2, 2016?

    1. I would assume it is July 2, considering it is in Israel. I dont know if that is the date of manufacture, or date of expiry. I am assuming expiry, as that is what it usually is unless stated otherwise. but it could have been made anytime. these types of cakes can last a long time

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  3. Its baked after 'british' / 'english' pesach.

    I think the hashgacha should pull the hechsher on the product. This is an excessive claim, with applications to kashrut.
