Apr 7, 2016

Must non-Jews keep Pesach in hospitals?

The other day it was revealed that the Rabbanut had recommended there be a designated area in hospitals in which people could eat chametz on Pesach. This area would be isolated from other parts of the hospital to ensure that chametz stays there and does not find its way to other parts of the hospital.

The reason for this is because in the past people have complained about not being allowed to eat chametz in the hospitals, whether it is patients or their guests. In particular, the non-Jewish minority is upset about being made to eat Pesach food and restricted from eating normal food that they are allowed to eat.

Despite the Rabbanut's recommendation, the Health Ministry said no.

According to Walla News, the rav of the Health Ministry has explained why the Rabbanut's proposal has been rejected. According to Rav Pinchas Frenkel it is not out of racism but they invest a lot of money in kashering the country's hospitals for Pesach and it is public property and they cannot satisfy the minority in this case. While other foods might not be so obvious and possible to control, chametz "stands out".

I hope they find a solution. If the Rabbanut says that from their perspective it can be done, they should work hard to find the way to do it. It really is not reasonable to force all those people to "keep Pesach" when it is not their holiday. I don't feel quite as bad about Jews who want to eat chametz on Pesach being forced to - I don't think they should be forced to avoid eating chametz (it should be their choice), but the [Jewish] State need not aid them in their quest for chametz. They can eat their chametz on their own. Minorities, however, who don't have the Pesach holiday or its restrictions, should not be forced unnecessarily to keep the laws of Pesach.

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