Apr 19, 2016

Proposed Law: Knesset invitations with authority

MK Yoav Kish (Likud) has proposed a law to strengthen the authority of the Knesset. Kish has proposed that the Knesset be granted the authority to fine private individuals who are invited to appear in the Knesset or in Knesset committees who do not appear. Kish would have the Knesset be granted a similar status to the courts that order someone to appear to testify that must show up or be held in contempt.

The punishment in the law would normally be a fine, but would also grant the authority to the point of a prison term for extreme situations.

Kish explains that the Knesset is chosen by the people to deal with issues important to the public. The Knesset committees need to be able to do its work, and that includes getting necessary information from people. The Knesset should be modeled in this after the US Congress regarding inviting private individuals. Today the Knesset only has the right to force public officials to appear before it.
source: NRG

sounds a bit totalitarian to me...

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  1. IINM, the Congress has that power. Considering that the Knesset is (legally, at least) the sovereign, it makes sense to me.

  2. If a court of law would have that power, would it be totalitarian?

  3. the courts do have that power.
    it just feels that way, considering they havent felt it necessary until now, so to take that power now seems like it is just a power grab. force people to appear.
    but maybe it is reasonable. I dont know
