Jun 27, 2016

LARK - The Los Angeles Rechnitz Kollel

I am not sure why someone starting a kollel is something newsworthy, but once it is, I feel like commenting.

Behadrei is announcing that Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz of Los Angeles is starting a new kollel. This will be a high end kollel and he is sifting through the avreichim of Eretz Yisrael looking for the best of the best, creme de la creme.

Rechnitz is doing this to strengthen the Haredi community of Los Angeles, and he will be paying each avreich $50,000 per year, in addition to paying their housing expenses, child education expenses and other communal expenses they will incur. In addition to their learning, they will be involved in giving shiurim in the community, learning with baalei batim and kids and other communal Torah-projects.

I think Rechnitz  is doing a wonderful thing, especially as he is, once again, putting his money where his mouth is and not making demands of others. It is his money and he can spend it how he likes. It is commendable that he spends nice amounts of it on "divrei kedusha" and supporting projects he believes in.

I feel bad that he is taking avreichim out of Eretz Yisrael for this, rather than finding avreichim in the USA, of which there are plenty, but perhaps these are avreichim that were only planning to stay short-term in Eretz Yisrael anyway and were already planning to leave.

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  1. I don't understand. If he got the Avreichim from Monsey, or even Lakewood, you could raise the same issue. Once he is pulling Avreichim from outside of LA what's the difference where he gets them?

  2. I see a difference in paying people to leave Eretz Yisrael than in paying people to leave Monsey. if you dont see the difference in that, it wont bother you.

  3. I would agree with you if he was paying them to teach math but they're leaving to be marbitz Torah which is one of the listed reasons to leave Eretz Yisrael. So since it's perfectly permissible I don't see why it's different from leaving Monsey.

  4. American kollelim do not do teaching or community work. (Despite what they say. Bitul torah or whatever.) YU kollelim and maybe chofetz chaim are the only exceptions.

    2. If they get $50K plus, what are the maggidei shiur and RY getting?

    1. Israeli kollelim don't either. And even if they did, it still doesn't explain why Reichnitz couldn't set up a kollel that also does community work without pulling avreichim out of Monsey, etc.

    2. I'm sorry but you have NO clue what you're talking about. Your points are sooooooooooo far removed from reality it isn't funny.

      FACT is the community kollels out there help feed the local community's klei kodesh resources.

      As for Rechnitz paying 50k, the reason is because yu otherwise NO ONE will go there since the cost of living is astronomical at best. I lived there, I am very aware of it.

  5. Medinat hayom

    Incorrect, the Kollel in Cincinati, Dallas, Philly and other places give shurim to the community, learn with Baal abatim & work/learn with children. Not at all UNUSUAL!!

    1. Cinncy is kollel miTziyon YU / mizrachi. Dallas is aish (outreach). Philly has a few.

      The lakewood type affiliates want to have nothing to do with the community, lest they influence the kollel students (but they do want the community's money, but not at expense of local affiliations.)

    2. The cincy community kollel is NOT a YU kollel!!!! CH'V!!!!!

      I've known a number of people affiliated with the Kollel who'd never step foot in YU.
